Woofer motion problem.

Whenever I hook up a turntable to my rig, or play a flac file that has been recorded from an analog rig, my woofers flutter in and out dramatically more than with even the most intense digital music. I believe this is like flutter and wow that is extremely low frequencies but not sure. I notice these movements during some of the quieter passages on the LPs. Can anyone explain this and tell me whether it can be prevented?
Viridian-- The turntable that I demoed on my system was not mine, I have not yet started to build my analog rig. At the time I had a Classe integrade that had a built in phono stage. I thought it might have been the amp, but when I play flac files that are recordings of Lps, I noticed that it did the same thing.

what are some phono stages with high pass filters?
Totem 1's are ported at 42 Hz. It looks like an underdamped high Q design. Whilst lota of semblance of deep bass is nice to have this means they are uncontrolled at 20 Hz and below (no acoustic damping at all). Large excursions can damage the woofers so do be careful. FWIW Most small ported monitors with big sound for a small box will tend to exhibit this lack of control.
Viridian...A properly designed rumble filter eliminates difference signal between channels, which is vertical groove modulation, and which constitutes most of the problem. Some overall attenuation below 20 Hz, such as provided by some preamps, is also desirable, but getting rid of the difference signal is most important.

By the way, when LPs are mastered, for various reasons, low frequency differential signals are cut, so you don't loose any real music signal when you use a rumble filter.
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I have also heard of people having this problem when their table/platter is not perfectly level. Upon leveling their problem went away without resorting to the use of a filter.