Lyra Helikon vs Skala

Hey guys,

I know the Skala is a newer generation in design and I've heard its a little warmer. Is it worth the extra $$.

I have a Sota Star Sapphire III and SME IV.Vi with a PS Audio GCPH phono preamp. Revel Gem speakers and B15 sub with a Krell amp. The arm is brand new and hoping it will last me a long long time. The table I just got used and will probably upgrade in a couple years.

Hi I did this upgrade a few years ago. At the time I had a SME 20/2 IV.Vi arm.

Yes a lil warmer, but more resolution, more clarity/less distortion, more natural presentation. I felt nothing went backwards. Your mileage may vary (but not by much :)
Hi, a few more comments here:
I went down this route with a Rega RB 1000 more than a year ago. Completely agree with Jfrech. In every which way the Skala is a superior cart and in many respects comes close to the Titan i.IMHO the Skala is worth the extra moolah.Recently, I switched from the Skala to a Transfiguration Orpheus L.Constancy is not a virtue in this hobby.
Best of luck.