I am looking for a really unusual tube. In one of my previous posts I had a couple of audiogon members point out a few good sites and I was able to locate some for sale. My initial problem was not finding any, now I have too many to chose from.

The tube: 6CL8A/6CL8

Brands available: RCA, GE, Sylvania, Tung Sol..etc.. quite a few.

I know nothing about this other than I want the best one possible. I would like one that minimizes microphonics and that sounds like tube heaven, help me out. Thanks a million guys.
You probably dont have it now, but when you posted that thread about the cartridge ( see the link in my last reply ), I sent you a email....

You probably deleted it ( no big deal ), but to sit and comment that I wont offer help is not correct at all, when in fact I did then and offered now.

I think that there is the possibility that you are taking my replies the wrong way.....and if you go back and read my first reply, it says :

It's good to ask questions, but sometimes one has to try things on their own without the help or input from others

Which I was also adding to what the first member in the thread had said.

What one person likes in his system , another person wont.....there is no perfect amp, speaker, cable, tube etc....its all a matter of what sounds good in ones system.
I suggest that you call Andy at "Vintage Tube Services", he has the equipment to properly test tubes and can sell you tubes that are not micro-phonic. He can also tell you which brands hold up the best and the differences between them. After all tubes are his business. Good Luck!
Yeah anyways. I get it but your taking up a lot of forum space. We all get it, we know your opinion is that there is nothing to know about tubes just try them all and don't ask questions. Lets leave some space for others to answer the question so that people in the future who run into this dilemma will be able to use this thread without having to sift through pages of you defending yourself.

Excellent reference I can't wait to speak to them. They look like true professionals, possibly the final authority on tubes. For those still into this thread, please have a look at this their site. There is a very interesting history of tube companies section on the site.