Dynavector XV1-S and step-up

Is there a step up that works particularly well with the Dynavector XV1-S cartridge. The arm is a Graham Phantom and the pre-amp is a Shindo Masetto. I have no complaints going straight in to the Masettos MC input, but thought there might be a suitable step up to try out.

Cheers and thanks
Dear Hatari: IMHO you own a very good analog rig with that Raven/Phantom/XV-1s combination along your Sarastro IIs.

IMHO too, before to think in an external step-up that always makes a cartridge signal degradation and that ( with all respect ) does not make sense to me on your audio system maybe is time to think in a way better quality performance phono stage that can do justice to that top front end.

Through your Masseto there is no single opportunity that you can hear what the XV-1s can show when it is mated with a phono stage at the same quality level that the Dyna cartridge.

If I was you and if I want to improve the analog quality performance of that audio system my very first step will be to " disappear "/change that " poor " phono stage that IMHO is at very lower level than the rest of the other system links.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Raul, thanks (I think). Just for fun, what phono stages are at the higher level to allow me to improve my "poor" phono in the Masetto. I'm honestly dying to know, as I'm very impressed with this phono. Perhaps it's a typo but you say "IMHO too" - no one else on the forum has suggested similar... Let's say the bogey is $5k - what do you suggest?

Look forward to hearing your specific thoughts.

Hatari, You are hearing the opinions of two very knowledgable persons (Axel and Raul), who have their own private biases based on their own past experiences. There are lots of equally knowledgable vinyl fans who would disagree with Axel on loading with a SUT and with Raul who just does not like SUTs. I tend to agree with Raul, but you should form your own opinion, and one way to start is by listening to the preamp you already own.
Hi Cincy_bob
I accept your critique, I guess my words where less then what some lines had called:".... and the patience of a teacher" (What song was that again?)
You see in the recent past I'd spend A LOT of time with this issue in numerous threads - so yes, I was sounding a bit exasperated, please accept my apology.
Lewm: thanks for the context. Just to clarify, I've been listening to my pre-amp for 2 years, so know it well. I just haven't explored SUTs (or external phonos, as the integrated phono is part of the attractiveness of the Shindo).

Will listen to a few SUTs and clearly form my own opinion. Having said that, I enjoy getting educated, and confused and appreciate the effort of all who post.
