Suggested entry path into vinyl...

...if cost is not a major constraining factor (within limits :-)). I guess my question is do experienced vinyl enthusiasts recommend starting with a "entry-level" analog set up and tweaking and upgrading over time to maximize one's learning of what one likes by sampling different tt/tonearm/cartridge/phono setups (as well as learning how to correctly set-up and handle tts and associated gear on less expensive equipment), or would you just buy a more "evolved" (and likely more expensive) setup at the outset that you have heard within the context of the rest of your playback system and that you like the sound of (but perhaps make expensive mistakes on that gear). I am deliberately staying away from specific examples to get at folks' opinions/recommendations about the approaches. Thanks for your thoughts in advance.
Interesting and thanks for the feedback. Buconero117 - is buying used vinyl rig advisable given the more delicate/finicky nature of the equipment (i.e., more susceptible to buying a "lemon")? I would be more at ease buying a phono stage used for example but less so, the tt, tonearm, or cartridge given susceptibility to damage. Am I way off on that assumption? As for doing the setup myself, I have ordered Fremer's DVD for vinyl setup :-). I hope that will be enough to walk me through the basics of tt setup.
A $2k budget as previously suggested for table, arm, and cartridge is very reasonable. Add $1000 - $1500 for a phono stage and up to another $500 for cleaning supplies and you should be good to go. I wouldn't hesitate to buy a table used if available for local pick-up, has original packing materials, or is otherwise being sold by someone who is an expert at packing such an item. Same for the tonearm and phono stage. Personally, I'd never buy a used cartridge.

As for record cleaning you could probably start small and as you grow into vinyl then commit to something like a VPI machine. Many people are steam cleaning records now. There is lots of information here on record cleaning that can keep you occupied for a while.
pick front ends based on your software investment....for a couple hundred records, keep the turntable expense on the a few years, rethink it. you can spend a fortune and be babysteps ahead of a used technics, denon, dual, or thorens.
Jaybo brings up a good point.

Do you have any records now? Do you have a good source of used records in your area? Also availability of records may be genre dependent. If 90s rock is your thing, few titles are going to be available on vinyl. If you're into Jazz, original pressings can be very expensive.

This is why it may be a good idea to get something simple and reliable like a Technics SL-1200 in order to reduce the outlay if you decide vinyl is just not your thing.
Thanks for the feedback. I have 0 LPs right now - as I said new to the format. There are a number of very good record stores offering an expansive number of used/new LPs across all formats in the greater Boston area. I am a fan of '60s-'80s rock, '50s-current Jazz, and getting into classical, and my sense is that LPs as a source for these genres of music is plentiful (both new and used). I agree that I could end up finding the whole experiment frustrating but I won't find out until I give it a shot. My only concern with starting out with a very modest set-up is, if I end up not liking the "vinyl sound," I would always question whether that was a function of the format itself vs. the quality of the platform being used. Appreciate all the feedback thus far. Thanks.