Any word on the Blue Angel "Mantis"?

Hi all! - I am trying a cartridge that raised the bar in my conception of analog reproduction, the "Mantis" is keeping me awake rediscovering my entire vinyl... but I have found not too much information on this South African jewel.

I will appreciate any word regarding this marvel and help me in my investment decision.

Thanking in advance.

Hi Raul,
(MC) money = money for MC carts, which is usually 5 - 10 times more then for MM carts.
BUT, --- if you MUST HAVE an MC, for what ever reason and motivation, it seems 1.7k for the Mantis is fine?
Quickly compare it to the cost of e.g. a Jubilee +/- same price but lesser claimed performance, or Windfeld >3.5k +/- equal performance, which is what I was trying to express.
AND, note both these carts mentioned are considered to be a BARGAIN for comparable MCs, yes?

There is this thread about the high cost of MC and all explanations including J.Carr who is doing it mostly for the love of it, as he explained. How can you pay less for an MC and not feel very touched by the suffering of those poor dealers, designers and manufactures? Raul...

Do a good thing and support them, 1.7k is not so much 'tithing', no?
To go pay 10k$ - 20k$ MC 'tithing' is only for those generous souls that want and can afford it.
Now, if everyone will go change to MM, the MC cart industry will collapse, is that what you ask? Not a good thing to loose choice I think.
Dear Axel: No, I always " see " at the MM like an alternative/choice ( nothing more ): just like tube/SS electronics.

Dear Raul:
>> I always " see " at the MM like an alternative/choice <<

oh yes, you take the words out of my mouth!

It's just a bit tricky, and if cost conscious much more so, to put "fair" value to an MC, isn't it?

So the only way I attempt to do it now, is consider them quite separately in terms of cost and this was the basis of my comment of the snake-wood Mantis to be fair (MC)-value at 1.7k$.
If you have a different assessment I like to you to please share it with us.

I have a week so far with the "Mantis" and still keeps me awake and re-listening my LP collection. I read a review somewhere stating that this is an "honest sounding" cartridge - and I fully agree.

It has all the tonal palettes correct, great dynamics and excellent resolution of both inner details and full scale re-creation.

I don't mind if this is an MC or an MM cartridge, just as when a good Tube or SS amp is in the chain - one forgets the design principle since the system gets me back to the music, to the performance and to the artistic event.

