AN Kondo IO-m cartridge - Tonearms to cons

Does anyone have experience with tonearms for the IO-m (details below)? Thoughts appreciated, turntable is TW Raven AC and should support most arms. Don't really have any other issues, simply what really works with the arm.

Type: Silver Moving Coil (MC)
Output Voltage: 0.12mV (1KHz, 5cm per second)
Source Impedance: 1 Ohm
Tracking Force: 2.0 ± 0.2 g
Compliance: 6.0 × 10-6 cm/Dyne
Channel balance: within 1dB at 1KHz
Channel separation greater than 25dB at 1KHz
Weight 11 grams

Many thanks
Dear Hatari: here you have good alternatives:

Regards and enjoy the music,

Thanks Raul. I have a Graham Phantom (Dynavector XV1-S on it), so this would be a second arm/setup. Will also get an SPU one day for fun, so would be great if the second arm could handle that.

Ikeda woud be great, but would only buy from someone I know well

Certainly the Dynavector 507 is a great option, high up there and can work with that SPU I refer to.

Any thoughts on the Ortofon 309D or the EMT 997 ? I worry a little about getting an EMT set up right - I'd hire a local turntable expert to help, but I'm not a DIU guy on electronics.

Dear Hatary, My suggestion needs some kind of introduction.
I was very amused with the consternation about 'cart ranking in the Japanese Stereo' . Particulary by the owners
of some very expensive carts. So I thought:the Japanese are
not stupid nor deaf,so why not?
But to be 200% sure I also bought the German magazine LP with the review of Phase Tech P-3G. Then I got my 200% 'insurance' and bought the cart. match to my
(then) combo Triplanar-Jubilee. So I 'composed' an sell-story with mentioning all the awards this cart got in Japan. But I was curious about the 'why' question and thought:this have something to do witht compliance. Alas I had no concrete idea what '8um/mH' means. How this translates in your 'cm/Dyne', Raul will,I hope explain.
But then I got my new Reed L 2A (29gr.eff.mass) with Pernambucco tube (
UNBELIEVABLE! Meanwhile my Triplanar got as present an new
Benz Ruby 3 but this combo is no match for the Reed l 2A-P3G.
So I now also understand why Dertonarm is so persistent about this,say,'concept' COMBO.
Nandric... so you kept the Phase Tech and found magic in the combo with the Reed arm? I have to say, I've never heard of the Reed arm, but that doesn't mean much.

Thank you, will look into it (site doesn't seem to have a dealer/distributor list)