New Record

I cleaned 45 albums this morning, that's 90 sides! And a personal record on my VPI 16.5. I HATE cleaning albums. How about you, and what is the most you have cleaned at one session?
Jaybo, those are used albums that I have bought and have yet to clean therefore haven't listened to them either - plenty more where those came from...
15 records at one time. That is mainly because I use the Walker Prelude 4 stepp system and once you mix the enzyme you need to use it relatively soon. I can't imagine 45. My 16.5 get hot and I mean HOT with 7 or 8. 45 and I think I would be 'splaining to State Farm what happened.
Hey Bill,
you need to think about servants man, get a gardener to wash your cars and Weber, and if you can't afford it, think moving to Africa :-)