I built my own Turntable and here are the results

Let me guess Liguy,you turned your own acrylic platter on a lathe and used the Teres bearing.The controller is the Mark Kelly design and you post on Diyaudio.I believe you posted images of your table there.
Great effort,Gongrats man! Me I am still stuck and looking to make the platter.
Queg, Practical reason: the slightest alteration in the position of the outboard pod with respect to the main body of the turntable will completely screw up tonearm geometry. Theoretical reason; there is something to be said for having the tonearm and turntable in the same closed system, i.e., coupled with respect to outside mechanical and acoustical forces. I tend to favor that school of thought, I don't know a good argument for the opposite approach, but this is not the only time I've seen it (e.g., the Kuzma top-line product cum air bearing tonearm), so there must be one. Not for me though.
Lew is right- the tighter the coupling between the arm and the bearing of the platter, the better. Any movement between the two will be interpreted as a coloration, since the only movement should be the needle in the groove.
Lewm, Atmasphere,
the first thing I noticed by the way ---- but then do we want to get that critical?
We are not on Fm_login's site after all :-)
...but then do we want to get that critical?

Who cares today about useful ideas?
I know one from a DIY Group who bought a thick piece of wood, drilled a hole in it, bought a bearing and made a Platter from Plastic, got an outboard motor for 250,-- and a belt.
And he had a lot of Fans who congratulated him for this Masterpiece ("Great! you don't need $$$ Designs to listen to a 4$ record..."). Me too, I told him, this is a useful design, when he wants to get rid of it he can burn it and has some warmth in his room...
And we have some who tell everybody to everything: "Happy Listening".
Standard became quite low today.
But seriously, it looks good. A mix from Galibier and Mitchel Gyro.