How effective is the Onzow Zerodust?

Has anyone had good results with the Onzow Zerodust? Is it as effective at cleaning the stylus as liquid products?

Thanks for response. Interesting... If I look in wiki or Basf website, sounds like exactly the same material (melamine), made for the same forumula, however BASF page for BASOTECT (that is original name) shows different types of material.

Did you have chance to compare them?
Salavat is correct, but Eric is MORE correct. :-)

A Scotch-Brite pad is made from the same chemical as a Magic Eraser, but the physical composition of the two products is quite different as to scale.

A Scotch-Brite pad's fibers are much thicker and the pad is less dense than a Magic Eraser. These widely spaced, fatter fibers wouldn't contact complex microscopic surfaces as thoroughly.

The SB pad would also be more dangerous. It's coarser fibers are much stronger than those in a Magic Eraser, making a snag more likely to do damage.

As the initial publicizer of the ME as stylus cleaner, I would not recommend Scotch-Brite pads for this purpose.

Thanks for clarifying. I ordered ME from US. I have noticed on couple occasions that Scotch-Brite might leave something on the stylus, which is not good at all...
ME can also leave residue on the stylus, and the particles are microscopic and very abrasive.

Read my original how-to (linked in the post above). It's mandatory to brush or Zero-Dust after each use.

ME is highly effective but must be used with care and caution. I've used it after each LP side since 2004, with only good results.
I've been using the Magic Eraser since reading Dougdeacon's post. As so many others have said, it works very well. I follow the ME with brushing using a dry stylus cleaning brush (Disc Washer, I think). One modification that may help prevent snagging if the ME is dragged across the stylus, as I do, is to cut narrowly spaced slits all along the edges of the ME block. With a razor blade, cut the slits in the same direction as your cleaning motion will be. This provides very good contact with the sides of the diamond.