Which new VPI Turntable?

With $2500 to spend on one of the new model VPI turntables the decision comes down to which one. Both the Classic and the Scout 2 Signature retail for $2500. The Classic seems to have a more massive plinth and a 10" arm whereas the Scout 2 Sig has the new tapered 9" arm and Valhalla wiring. Both have a new aluminum platter, but I'm not sure if it is same one. I have decided it will be a VPI because I want my local dealer's support. Has anybody heard both of these? Any suggestions...
it's not even close, I am surprised that VPI continues to sell the Scout. I have had both, and the Aries as well and the Classic is a much better table. Quieter, faster, better extension. I don't even have an isolation platform under the Classic as I did my other VPI tables, and it still sound better.

Why don't you call Harry at VPI and ask him what he thinks. I always am treated honestly and fairly...I'm sure he will give you good guidance.
By the way, the Classic has a modified JMW10.5i tonearm (modified in that it does not include VTA on the fly) but all JMW10.5i tonearms are wired with Nordost Valahala wiring. So I would not call that a differentiator for the Scout II Signature. By the way you can get the Scout II with the standard JMW 9 tonearm (without the Valhala wiring) for $2100. If you have a local dealer that carries both tables, you should definitely audition them and see what sounds better to your ears. You may want to read the following thread on the Classic which has two reviews attached at the bottom of the thread. That may be helpful to you:

go used and expand search(in the 2500 range), or purchase a used vpi hw series for less.
Cnalak et al....The 10.5 normally used on the Classic is the same as the 10.5i - VPI's premier 10 inch arm, except that the VTA tower is omited (you can still adjust VTA on the fly, but not as conveniently), it does NOT have Valhalla wire, but a silver coated copper wire, ...and the arm tube is made of stainless steel..not aluminum. I am quite sure you can order the 10.5i with all the timmings as a special order. I wonder if the stainless tube will be incorporated in all 10 inchers, and what the audio consequences of the s/s are.