Which new VPI Turntable?

With $2500 to spend on one of the new model VPI turntables the decision comes down to which one. Both the Classic and the Scout 2 Signature retail for $2500. The Classic seems to have a more massive plinth and a 10" arm whereas the Scout 2 Sig has the new tapered 9" arm and Valhalla wiring. Both have a new aluminum platter, but I'm not sure if it is same one. I have decided it will be a VPI because I want my local dealer's support. Has anybody heard both of these? Any suggestions...
According to mike at VPI the stainless steel armwand has an effective mass of 12.3g

the s/s armwand is a good option if you use the Denon 103r. Otherwise its not necessary for most carts out there according to Mike to VPI.
I would call Bill from Audiofeil, he has a lot of experience with VPI and I am sure he will give you top support for a table which can be upgraded later.