Get a P-7 No Joke!
I owned the P-5 with all the upgrades you listed above
and they made a very good improvement to the P-5.
The Acrylic platter however was brighter then the stock
glass platter and this my not be good in some systems.
When I went to the P-7 the improvements were even greater
then the modified P-5. If you can do it, sell your P-5 and
go straight to the P-7.
If you don't want to do this then get the power supply
sub platter and clamp first. Get the tone arm weight and
acrylic top platter later.
I owned the P-5 with all the upgrades you listed above
and they made a very good improvement to the P-5.
The Acrylic platter however was brighter then the stock
glass platter and this my not be good in some systems.
When I went to the P-7 the improvements were even greater
then the modified P-5. If you can do it, sell your P-5 and
go straight to the P-7.
If you don't want to do this then get the power supply
sub platter and clamp first. Get the tone arm weight and
acrylic top platter later.