Bent Cant, Can't get azimuth right. Does it matter

Hello again,

I just got a new Benz Micro Gold for my scout and jmw-9 arm. When it arrived, the cantilever was bent slightly over to the left. I aligned using the vpi jig.
With the HI-FI news test record, I can track all the test tracks except the torture track 9. Everything sounds really good, and I am corresponding with Yip to get a mint lp sent out to me soon.

My problem is the azimuth set-up, track 5 side 2. Because the cartilever is bent slightly, in order to get the stylus perpendicular to the record I would have to tilt inward about 20 degrees! On the azimuth track, I can't get the output of the channels equal otherwise, but in all the tracking test tracks the output is identical?

My question is:

If the cartridge is tracking well (excellent) and I don't hear any distortion in my music, is having the azimuth perfect going to make a big audible difference?
I can always send it back to the dealer?

I added a photo of the cartridge to my system ( the photos need to be updated )

Any thoughts?
Hi Mike, in general: in the very first 1-20 hours of a new modern cartridge you will notice that the sounds does change literally if not by the minute, but by the hour. The suspension velocity needs to adapt to the ambient conditions and needs these initial "break-in" to adjust itself to its specs.
It is always good, to set the initial VTF at the upper maximum of the recommended range. I would stick to the 2.2 grams and just play and wait till you have at least 20-30 hours of actual playing on the cart.
No need to fine tune the VTF now, - nor would it show it.
Get past the initial break-in and do adjust the "sweet-spot VTF" when the cartridge is actual awake (read: suspension has reached specified velocity).
Do ever so little decrease the VTF then till you find the spot with the most open, dynamic sound, while still not lacking authority and weight.
As we can't really look into the cartridge with a microscope while playing, the fine-tuning of the VTF too is a matter of ears, experience and skill.
Move slowly, precise and only after you are sure the break-in period is past you.
Please make sure the tonearm is absolutely in zero-balance before setting any VTF.
Excellent primer from Dertonarm regarding adjusting VTF. Exactly how I do it. Reduce VTF in TINY increments until bass/dynamics suffer, then bump it back up a TINIER amount, but not so far that you lose HF extension, microdynamics, speed or "air".

I would only add that as a cartridge continues to accumulate hours the suspension may continue to change. Elastomers are notoriously unstable and unpredictable. Fine tuning VTF (via the methods he described) is often beneficial throughout the life of a cartrdidge.
Thank you Gentlemen,

Is playing your turntable for 11 hours with the needle in the end closed groove a good way to speed the break-in process? The reason I ask is because I left it spinning last night and would love to feel like less of an IDIOT! Hopefully I haven't wrecked my new cartridge. Thanks for the vtf tips.
If the run-out groove is smooth-ended, you won't have any trouble.
In any case, every cartridge worth the name has to survive any run-out groove without any damage at all.
However due to lack of modulation, the run-out groove doesn't help at all to speed up the break-in procedure.
So, no break-in while you sleep.