Linn lp 12 upgrade or new TT ? please help.

I have a used sondeck lp 12, vahala power supply, akito II
arm, K 18 II linn cartridge.
Am considering upgarding the pl 12 with, new alluminum subchashissis, $900.00, new springs and perhaps the hurculies power supply. ps, is $300.00.
OR purchasing a New TT, around $1300.00 to $1700.00.
Can I buy a better sounding table for thus outlay of $$$ ?
Or should I upgrade the Linn?

Please if anyone has experience with this, I am thankful.
I have had an LP12 for a few years now and looked at replacing it about 9 months ago. I could not find a dealer in my area (colorado) that had any TT's to demonstrate. I found a few but all were a serious step backward. If you like the Lp12 there a number of upgrades to had for the table. A word of caution, and this will be met with contraversy so I stae it is MY Opinion. Stay with Linn Upgrades. One you can consider as mentioned a new arm, or even the Lingo Power Supply can do wonders for your LP12. Another $300 upgrade is the Trampoline, it will lower the noise floor. The Cirkus bearing is a good upgrade as well.
I think the LP12 may end up being my last table. I will still look at others but for the investment I have come to appreciate it's value and rebuildability. Again many will disagree but that is the conclusion I have drawn.
I have a Linn LP12 with a lingo, circa 1990. It has a Rega RB300 and Lyra Dorian cartridge. I heard it against similar rigs with Trampoline and Cirkus. Mine had much more feeling. I think Linn upgrades sound better with their crappy solid state electronics. With tube gear I like the old LP12, plus lingo. Just my opinion.
I have a totally unmodified Linn, looked into upgrading it but decided it would be too expensive. I am also a VPI dealer so am familiar with their current tables. IF I was going to change tables I would go for a used Scout. But I would change the cartridge before I did anything else. Get a Denon 110 high output moving coil, about $95 on ebay. Competitive with the Dynavector at about 1/4 or 1/5 the cost. [20 years ago they cost the same]. I have seen others like Chashmal who like the unmodified Linn better, have no experience with the newer ones myself.
Thank you all for comimg to my rescue.
I found out today my linn was made in 1985, and as far as I can tell, it has not had any work done on it ina very long time, I am going this way, New arm board, New suspention, new oil, new belt, and am contimplating the Hurculies power supply,the K 18 cartridge is only about a year old, it was new and had never been used when I got it.
God help me I have broken down the lp 12 now and have ordered the parts, except for the Hurc.
Any other sugg ar every welcome.
Thanks Alan.
I added a lingo at a cost of around $ 600.00 and think it was a great improvement.