Linn lp 12 upgrade or new TT ? please help.

I have a used sondeck lp 12, vahala power supply, akito II
arm, K 18 II linn cartridge.
Am considering upgarding the pl 12 with, new alluminum subchashissis, $900.00, new springs and perhaps the hurculies power supply. ps, is $300.00.
OR purchasing a New TT, around $1300.00 to $1700.00.
Can I buy a better sounding table for thus outlay of $$$ ?
Or should I upgrade the Linn?

Please if anyone has experience with this, I am thankful.
Since you are going down the upgrade road, you should also seriously consider an upgrade in the power supply. If the lingo seems expensive, Origin Live make their own separate (external) power supply that also fits the Sondek. It comes in three different guises to suit different pockets; have not heard it myself but got some sterling feedback from other Linn users. If that does not fit the bill, do try the Herc upgrade. Trust me, sound wise, it is worth the outlay over the Nirvana.
I went thru this same decision tree around March of 06, and like you asked the Agon community for input. Like you I rec'd some solid feedback that in summary said try something different or stay put.........and also like you I chose to stay put. I did however take my dealers advice regarding the upgrade hierarchy from most to less impact on sound. Some of the upgrades were simply more affordable than others at a given time point however. I began with the Valhalla/Ittok LV II about 10 years ago and did the following: Cirkus/Trampolin, Lingo, Ekos/Trampolin II. My cartridges were Audio Technica OC-9, to Benz Glider, to Shelter 90X. This current set up has been around for a couple of years now and I do not have the urge to move in another direction. There is nothing left for me to do now but a Keel/SE and I would do it but I have to kids in college. I am glad that you are selecting to see what your table can "really do" before you switch.