Glanz moving magnet cartridges


I have just acquired an old Glanz G5 moving magnet cartridge. However, I cannot find out any details about this or the Glanz range or, even the company and its history.

Can anyone out there assist me in starting to piece together a full picture?

Any experiences with this or other Glanz's; web links; set up information etc would be warmly received. Surely someone knows something!

Thanks in hope
Dear Dgob: +++++ " A curiousity around its stellar performance is the fact that I use mine in my Audiocraft AC3300 tonearm with the s-shaped wand. This means that overhang and off-set are way off the standard and, obviously, cannot be adjusted in their permanent headshell. " +++++

due to this statement that you posted I give my opinion and now you come here , with prepotence ( big man. ), to tell me that that statement was not true ( was/is false. ) because the cartridge was/is set up on target!!!!!!!

Before you make false statements analize what you are posting because the answers will be of what you posted. The relevant knowledge?, that " relevant knowledge " comes on what you posted. Useless to go on.

Regards and enjoy the music,

Your confusion is easily answered.

1, I was using the AP-300S, which did not quite meet the overhang.

2. I replaced it with my MC-A armwand which does.

Your comprehension skills and mental stability not withstanding, I hope that helps

Cheers again

On my suggestions, they stem from your willingness to cast opinions about everything and every cartridge ever made and enter a thread about Glanz before declaring:

"I don't want to follow on this Glanz subjects. I think I already write my opinion/worries."

Don't get so stressed out. Ignorance is everyone's option. My change to the MC-A was intended to remove your considerable prejudice to learning and trying something new. This latter fact leads to my concern about your mental stability - given your professions elsewhere to the contrary.

Now I can conclude this matter by suggesting you return to the Glanz thread when you know the cartridge and - therefore - what you are talking about. That's it...

Dear Dgob: The only reason why I start my posts on the subject ( 01-27-10 ) was when you disclose ( after four months ) that the cartridge set up was off/out of target.

I only posted what my experiences were with a similar wrong overhang cartridges set up.

I don't/wasn't questioning the cartridge performance ( but its wrong set up. ) only give my opinion/experiences with similar set up.

I don't care and I'm not interested what a cartridge quality performance can or could be with a wrong cartridge set up.

You give several cartridge quality performance opinions knowing that the cartridge was out of target on set up but you don't tell to any one , you hide this critical/main information.

After this how any one can/could trust in what you post or posted?

I buy almost any vintage MM/MI that I not own so sooner or latter I will have a Glanz one as other additional cartridges.

Regards and enjoy the music,

Look, you and I have some obvious disagreements and you tend to interpret things in a very negative and small spirited way.

How and why did you find out that "hidden" fact - about my initial set-up?

I do dispair at times! I hide nothing and you seem to accuse others of what you must obviously be capable of. You need to reflect on our discourse over the years and move on.

I have just secured the pending arrival of the G7 (among other cartridges) and will see how well that performs. Given the near infinite combinations of cartridge and all aspects of the system I still think you are niave in constantly playing scoring games (against strangers or cartridges). All I can tell you is what I prefer and not the BEST. Take or leave it but do talk from experience, please!
