Many thanks for your kind imput. I'm now feeling slightly more informed about the Glanz and their history. I just need to play them in other conditions in order to have a definitive view on their performance but, at the moment, the G5 sounds a superior cartridge to its G7 sibling.
All information will be gratefully received. Speaking of which, if anyone could find the official performance specifications for the G5 and G7 (other than the information on the cartridge database or Vinyl Engine, which are not as helpful here as I would wish) I would really appreciate the related information.
Thanks again
Many thanks for your kind imput. I'm now feeling slightly more informed about the Glanz and their history. I just need to play them in other conditions in order to have a definitive view on their performance but, at the moment, the G5 sounds a superior cartridge to its G7 sibling.
All information will be gratefully received. Speaking of which, if anyone could find the official performance specifications for the G5 and G7 (other than the information on the cartridge database or Vinyl Engine, which are not as helpful here as I would wish) I would really appreciate the related information.
Thanks again