Hi All,
They say the lucky man often benefits where the clever man can't. In this light, I must confess to a certain ignorance being shored up by complete luck.
Those who follow (and there appears to be many of you) this thread will know that I was amazed at the performance of the Glanz G5 in my Audio Craft AC-3300 LB tonearm. I noted that just setting its VTA and VTF seemed sufficient without concerns about overhang and effective length. Many will note the dispute that this suggestion created! Nevertheless, my own slightly refined hearing and that of a former friend (whose hearing was unsurpassed to my knowledge) kept telling me that I was approaching perfection with the performance of this intergrated moving magnet. I had even recently told others that the ideal position would place the tip of the stylus 50mm from the tonearm collar and suggested they experiment and seek such a tonearm. This is where my ignorance and luck come in!
On finally digging out the Users Manual for the AC-3300 last night, I was amazed to read that it has reference to the integrated Ortofon SPU cartridge and even suggests its ideal damping for such a cartridge. Then I noticed that the ideal position for stylus to tonearm edge for my Audio Craft was given as "50-51mm". This is exactly the position achieved by the Glanz and seems to support my suggestion that protractors and the like should not be your only means of assessing ideal set up of a cartridge: your own ears and experience being more important than generalised calculus.
This means that my faith (albeit challenged and uncertain at times) in what I am hearing with the Glanz G5 now makes complete sense. It also means that I can extend my recommendation with a little more surety.
The Glanz G5 cartridge in a tonearm such as the Audio Craft AC-3300 LB is simply stunning. It can keep company with the Technics EPC 100Mk4 and that says more than I can.
Very highly recommended
They say the lucky man often benefits where the clever man can't. In this light, I must confess to a certain ignorance being shored up by complete luck.
Those who follow (and there appears to be many of you) this thread will know that I was amazed at the performance of the Glanz G5 in my Audio Craft AC-3300 LB tonearm. I noted that just setting its VTA and VTF seemed sufficient without concerns about overhang and effective length. Many will note the dispute that this suggestion created! Nevertheless, my own slightly refined hearing and that of a former friend (whose hearing was unsurpassed to my knowledge) kept telling me that I was approaching perfection with the performance of this intergrated moving magnet. I had even recently told others that the ideal position would place the tip of the stylus 50mm from the tonearm collar and suggested they experiment and seek such a tonearm. This is where my ignorance and luck come in!
On finally digging out the Users Manual for the AC-3300 last night, I was amazed to read that it has reference to the integrated Ortofon SPU cartridge and even suggests its ideal damping for such a cartridge. Then I noticed that the ideal position for stylus to tonearm edge for my Audio Craft was given as "50-51mm". This is exactly the position achieved by the Glanz and seems to support my suggestion that protractors and the like should not be your only means of assessing ideal set up of a cartridge: your own ears and experience being more important than generalised calculus.
This means that my faith (albeit challenged and uncertain at times) in what I am hearing with the Glanz G5 now makes complete sense. It also means that I can extend my recommendation with a little more surety.
The Glanz G5 cartridge in a tonearm such as the Audio Craft AC-3300 LB is simply stunning. It can keep company with the Technics EPC 100Mk4 and that says more than I can.
Very highly recommended