Glanz moving magnet cartridges


I have just acquired an old Glanz G5 moving magnet cartridge. However, I cannot find out any details about this or the Glanz range or, even the company and its history.

Can anyone out there assist me in starting to piece together a full picture?

Any experiences with this or other Glanz's; web links; set up information etc would be warmly received. Surely someone knows something!

Thanks in hope
Dear Dgob, You should know that thinking (Urteilskraft by your beloved Kant) is mostly our wrestling with pro and contra arguments about some premise(s). This however may be called an 'invardly discussion'. It is not, uh, usual , to do such thinking in public. Ie stating questions in public and answering the same questions by yourself. The usual 'procedure' (proscripted or prescripted) is to put forward the result of the 'wrestling' or the conclusion(s) and then see what the OTHER have to say about that. I don't think that Raul was wrong with his interpretation of what I intended to say in the mentioned post.

Dear Dgob, I just visited your system site. I see that your "other" cartridges are also MM or MI types, albeit some of the very best ones. I wonder what has been your experience with LOMC types, especially given that you own a very fine MC phono stage, inside the 3160.

I think one reason you are so lonely here is the virtual absence of any Glanz cartridges from the marketplace. If I could find one, I would be interested to try it.
Hi Lewm,

And thanks for your sensible post. I have sold most of my MC's in recent years. The most memorable of these was the Allaerts MC2 Gold, Dynavector XV1s and the Lyra Parnassus. I also enjoy the Denon 103D on its traditional Grace 660p tonearm. That combination was apparently the original one that found fame while being used by the Japanese broadcasting corporation and is great fun.

I wholly agree with you about a possible reason for the apparent lack of online responses. However, I have been discussing and advising on the Glanz for some time now and the figures for those still interested continues to rise to around 13,000 viewers of this thread. I was being ironic about the loneliness issue but do nevertheless understand the apparent concern of Nandric who is obviously communicating from a position of ignorance here.

I do think they are great cartridges but continue to assess their qualities in light of my ongoing exposure to other cartridges and, of course, trusted opinions. I have continued to search for opinions and experience but I suspect that this is frustrated by the fact that the Japanese only seem to have sold their Glanz's to Europe and Asia (as far as I can find out), with the G3 and G5 models seeming to have only been sold in Japan. It took me a very long time to find my G7 and if I come across another or a G5 I will definitely let you know.
Dear Dgob, Like Lew I have never seen the G5 or G7 on any ebay (4)which I visit regular. Except the 51 MF and some other with the 'wrong nr.' which look to me similar to the Astatic MF versions ( 100,200 and 300). Is there any connection between the two producers that you know of? Can you recommend some other (obtainable) models ?
