Glanz moving magnet cartridges


I have just acquired an old Glanz G5 moving magnet cartridge. However, I cannot find out any details about this or the Glanz range or, even the company and its history.

Can anyone out there assist me in starting to piece together a full picture?

Any experiences with this or other Glanz's; web links; set up information etc would be warmly received. Surely someone knows something!

Thanks in hope
Hi Nandric,

Firstly, apologies for my apparent tardiness in responding: personal life and such has had its way.

Anyhow, the best way to follow or use the Japanese market might be to use Google Translation to translate the actual auction sites, their products and bidding and then join up to Rinkya, Japan. They conduct the bidding, which is especially useful for auctions where the seller stipulates Japanes only bidders! They will then arrange for delivery and shipping to you. This it the way that Sinyo123 advised me and it has worked in my case also.

About the range, many thanks for the additional information. I wonder if the 61o and 31o are therefore later models or part of a similar line. Also, what are the differences between ranges (if such they be) and what are their optimised strengths? I know that the 61 is said to use a Shibata - according to the review piece in the noted Grammaphone. I would guess that the 31 L would be the line contact version in keeping with their labelling. Given their range and options, I wonder do they all use Samarium Cobalt magnets and, if so, how many, what types (MGOe) and in which arangements? I am humbled by the amount still for me to learn.

I think that the chart you show has formed a large part in my uncertainties. It misses so many apparently linked cartridges (the G series, 61o, 31o) that I become more curious about the links between these and, of course, the differences. The cartridge database gives the G series but has clear gaps and limitations to its information. Bit by bit, maybe we can piece together the cartridges that represent the Glanz range and their merits.

I do hope so.

As always...
Hi All,

With nearing 20,000 readers, I am pleased that this thread is still of interest to others. However, I really would appreciate more input - particularly concerning the Glanz tonearms.

The G7 (and G5, although hugely different in performance) is still very much recommended for your 'best of the best' shortlists!

As always...
Hi Dgob, I compared Raul's 'darling' Astatic MF 200 with
the Glanz MFG 31 L and was not able to hear any difference.
I even switched the styli with the same result. Both are
excelent carts. I am still searching for the 51, 71 and this mysterious 61.

Same results here Nandric. The MF200 and 31L are very close sonically and both sound very good. The 51E is not even close, at least with the stock cantilever/stylus. A good candidate for a retip I suppose. Without doing a direct comparison, I have to say the MF 61 is the best sounding MM/MI/MF cart I own.
Just a great balance of dynamics, tonality, texture, detail and sparkle up top.
I have heard better bass from a few other carts but not by much.

Many thanks for the feedback. Good luck with your serach for the 61 and I would, of course, love to hear your results and any further opinions about the Glanz.

Gratefully received

As always...