Glanz moving magnet cartridges


I have just acquired an old Glanz G5 moving magnet cartridge. However, I cannot find out any details about this or the Glanz range or, even the company and its history.

Can anyone out there assist me in starting to piece together a full picture?

Any experiences with this or other Glanz's; web links; set up information etc would be warmly received. Surely someone knows something!

Thanks in hope
Dear nandric: Not only that but even you can't make a precise/accurate cantilever alignment!!!

Dear Raul, I am sorry but I don't understand what you mean
with 'not only that but even you can't make a precise/accurate cantilever alignment!!!'. I have no idea to what 'not only that' refer nor what you mean by 'precise/accurate cnatilever alighment'.

Dear Nandric: With an integrated cartridge design you can't move the cartridge to the left/right side incase that the cantilever came in with a tiny side deviation. Remember that when you make the cartridge alignment/overhang with the protractor ( MINT LP, for example. ) you must align not only the stylus tip but that the cantilever coincide with the protractor " lines "/align-lines and almost always to achieve that in precise way we need to make tiny very tiny cartridge changes to one or the other sides ( left/right. ).

Nandric, in those all times many of the cartridge alignment subjects that we already learnend were almost no " important " for the cartridge designers ( for different reasons, between them: no-knowledge about. ).

I know many of us already grow-up through the years ( and still doing every single day in favor of music. ) but unfortunately some of us ( including cartridge/tonearm/TT/phono stages designers. ) did not.

IMHO any tonearm/cartridge combination where you have set-up/alignment limitations means that what you are hearing is a higher distortion performance against the ones with out those limitations.

Regards and enjoy the music,
I just received a Sony xl33 w/integrated headshell. The owner's manual asserts that on a Sony tonearm overhang error of +/- 3mm (!) is not a problem for it's "practical use". Either Sony is crazy or else they have a loose conception of practical use. Evidently, they are not crazy since the cart sounds pretty darned good, but I'm pretty sure that it could sound better if adjustments were possible.
Dear Banquo, '+/- 3mm'? I ever made a joke pretending not to be able to see whatever fraction of just 1 mm. Then I got reprimand from Dertonarm and Raul togehter. As you probable know they often disagree but not in this case. Since then I never make jokes about any dimension. BTW those Sony integrated are ugly as well as clumsy while one
can get all of those integarted models also 'solo', without the headshell. I own the XL 88 and hope to get the XL 55 very soon. Raul already mentioned XL 44 as a very good cart.
