Glanz moving magnet cartridges


I have just acquired an old Glanz G5 moving magnet cartridge. However, I cannot find out any details about this or the Glanz range or, even the company and its history.

Can anyone out there assist me in starting to piece together a full picture?

Any experiences with this or other Glanz's; web links; set up information etc would be warmly received. Surely someone knows something!

Thanks in hope
Dear Dover: I can't agree more with you.

+++++ " If we cant rely on cartridges costing US$2k-10k to have diamonds accurately placed in the cantilever then ..... " +++++

Mediocrity is a " polite " word to say is a SHAME, there is no excuse for that after all those years of analog/cartridge manufactured experiences.

Problem is that almost no body cares and not only the people pay big KK$$ for that kind of " high-end " cartridges but they " report " here and everywhere its top quality performance. Can you beieve it?

Regrads and enjoy the music,
Dear Halcro: Now I can confirm why you like what you like ( I was not wrong about you. ) , why you like those kind of distortions.
Yes we are way different about audio system music priorities. Your last post is your " testament ". Good for you.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Alright posters,

Just to depersonalise this and bring it back on point: there is no error in setting of the Glanz G series on the Audio Craft arm and concerns about the (apparently still unheard) performance of the cartridges in question can therefore not be brought down to alignment induced distortion. Of course, this does not preclude other arms being suitable matches but the steel template that comes with the AC3300 LB (not to mention extensive auditioning) leaves no doubt about accuracy.

Just saying.

As always...
Dear Raul, there is no way to avoid distortions with any pivoted tonearm. The choice is between 'less distortion' at the end of the record or the 'average distortion' across
the record. From the choice made one can not deduce that one 'likes' whatever kind of distortion.

Dear Henry, I know for sure that Dertonarm uses the FR-66/ FR- 7 (kinds) for a long time as his reference. He can hear all kinds of carts by his friends Thuchan and Syntax without the need to buy any (other) for himself. We may assume that he adjusted his FR-66 optimal relative to the FR-7 models he owns. This means that the cart 'prescribed' the geometry. Or, which is the same, Ikeda 'perscribed' the geometry for for both of his constructions. However you may be 'like Nikola' (aka 'sick') but you are certainly not like Dertonarm. With + 20 carts you are 'forced' to follow the geometry of your FR-7 /FR 66 combo for all other carts you may use with the FR-66.In my former post I made explicit restriction to the FR-64. Speaking about our common 'sickness'. I am crazy (= sickness) about the tonearms and more in particular about the FR-64. To me the most beautiful tonearm ever made. But I don't like the FR-66 in esthetical sense and that is why I never owned one. To defend myself I prefer other kinds of 'arms'.

Dear nandric: +++++ " there is no way to avoid distortions with any pivoted tonearm " ++++

there is no way to avoid it with any tonearm and if our target is to achieve lower distortions then the cartridge/tonearm/headshell/ set up/accuracy alignment is of paramount importance: each single alignment parameter. Seems to me that for some of us the importance level that we give to each parameter is different and between other things that's why differences in what we heard, I mean: more " wider " differences due to wider/higher distortions on that analog set up/alignment.

Years ago almost no one took care on cartridge cantilever alignment and today we all know the critical importance on this parameter as on the AZ or overhang.
I think all of us already learned about but things are that some of us are not to " anal " about.

We know what is the best to each one and that's how we decide and decided what to do or where to be " anal " or not.

Regards anbd enjoy the music,