Glanz moving magnet cartridges


I have just acquired an old Glanz G5 moving magnet cartridge. However, I cannot find out any details about this or the Glanz range or, even the company and its history.

Can anyone out there assist me in starting to piece together a full picture?

Any experiences with this or other Glanz's; web links; set up information etc would be warmly received. Surely someone knows something!

Thanks in hope
Good day citizen Nandric,
Thank you for your most generous offer but why would I want your G5 when I have the amazing MFG61? New in the original box so no need for a second box, but again, thanks.
Seriously though, I would enjoy doing a comparison and will keep looking for a G5/7. The things you describe hearing from your G5 could easily describe what I hear from the six one. I do own the majority of the "flavor of the week" MM carts so I have some fine carts with which to compare. I also have the Lyra Atlas, Olympos and several other very special MC carts. The six one is indeed special in the best possible way.
A curse on your house also Vetterone.
You can join your merry friends in your mutual 'gloat-fest'.
So far...the only friend I have amongst you is Dgob. But that is yet to be proven?
And to think I thought Slavs would stick together?!
Hi All,

Just to let you all know that I see that there has been some noise made about the Spectral Moving Coil Reference (MCR-1) cartridge on the MM/MI thread. I have an original blue bodied MCR-1 available at present. It served me well for many years.

Sadly, I sent it to a potential buyer in Italy some time ago and he returned it "without" the stylus [Claim? "the infamous Italian postal service"]. Still, it is in perfect condition apart from that and I am certain that Axel could quite easily replace the stylus if anyone is interested. Feel free to contact me and I am certain we can come to some arrangement for its purchase.

As always...
Dear Henry, Ever heard about Polish-Russian 'disputes' or, even worst, the relationship between those damn Croatian traitors with the nobel and brave Serbians? All are counted
as Slavonic but when you ask a Polack:'are you Slavic?' his answer is: 'no I am Catholic'.
As I wrote to you: 'you wounded my pride' by refusing to accept my (top of the line) TK 9CL as present. So you have no right to play with Slavic sentiments.