Glanz moving magnet cartridges


I have just acquired an old Glanz G5 moving magnet cartridge. However, I cannot find out any details about this or the Glanz range or, even the company and its history.

Can anyone out there assist me in starting to piece together a full picture?

Any experiences with this or other Glanz's; web links; set up information etc would be warmly received. Surely someone knows something!

Thanks in hope
Dear Raul, I mentioned very clearly that my AT 150 ANV is not yet 'burned in'. I have only about 10 hours on it. The suspension is, I assume, still to stif. So my valuation is
only provisional. But you know how 'excitement' works. I was so glad with the Glanz 71 L that I wanted to share with at least Dgob. You may be also right regarding my 'system'. I test all carts in my second system with SP 10,mk II, FR-64 S , Jasmine LP 2 phono-pre and Marantz amp. (A class). However my experience is that extraordinary carts can be 'detected' also with a modest system. My main system is to complex for frequent testing.

Hi Nandric,

I'm still hoping to hear the 71 L and, as you point out, it's performance specifications are nearly those of the G5 and G7. Our distinct systems do seem to allow agreement on the quality of specific cartridges and that's also interesting.

I've been tied up in trying to design and build a plinth for my SP10 and so have not been listening to as much vinyl as I would normally. Still, I hope to be back with deck shortly and to unleash the Glanz and company.

As always...
Dear Dgob, I am alas the owner of two 'left hands' so no chance for me to build my own plinth for my SP 10,mk II. My hope is that Vetterone will be intriquied with my Glanz 5 in such a way that he will offer one of his plinths in exchange. He make them himself from his own material so it may be the case that this swap is interesting as well as profitable for him (grin). BTW the performance specifications you mentioned can't be attributed to me because I have non. I only mentioned the similarities between the styli. To compare them in A-B-A configuration is possible but I would need to disconnect the Benz LP S from the Triplanar and Kiseki Goldspot from the Reed 2A to do so. But I spend 3 days to adjust both. I also need to open my Basis Exclusive for the purpose. Not an appealing proposition alas. I wish you all the success with your plinth but if carpentry is not your profession I would advice to contract out this work. Your 'own' Adam Smith wrote about division of labour 'ages' ago.

Hi Nandric,

Fortunately, the extended family and available professions means a cost free (well at least as far as labour costs are concerned) project here - except the cost of patience! It's great fun and I'm becoming increasingly aware of the constraints under which TT design and (more specifically) plinth design staggers. We'll get there soon enough but are looking at a couple of design challenges for which the known prior approaches seem inadequate.

Thinking caps are truly on.

As always...