Glanz moving magnet cartridges


I have just acquired an old Glanz G5 moving magnet cartridge. However, I cannot find out any details about this or the Glanz range or, even the company and its history.

Can anyone out there assist me in starting to piece together a full picture?

Any experiences with this or other Glanz's; web links; set up information etc would be warmly received. Surely someone knows something!

Thanks in hope

I’m sorry if my impressions appear to be negative?
That was not my intent…..nor is it accurate.
I found the G5 to be “unremarkable” in that it’s presentation revealed nothing that was not available from a number of my finest cartridges.
This is not a ‘condemnation’ of the G5… it is being compared to the ‘crème de la crème’ of my selected collection.
I do find the AT150 ANV to be more detailed, transparent and convincing in its overall presentation than the G5……but this is to be expected from a Signet TK-7LCa ‘wannabe’ :-)
Where the 150ANV loses out to its illustrious predecessor IMHO… is in its emotional content.
The ability of some cartridges to suspend belief…and draw you in to the performance is akin to alchemy?
How do they do it?
Whilst it may be an ‘emphasis’ in the 40Hz region that makes one cartridge appear to delve deeper than another and a ‘peak’ in the 10K Hz range that delivers perceived ‘air’ or ‘detail’…….how does one explain with science….the way one cartridge can startle and amaze?
How can one cartridge deliver the performers into the room whilst another ‘wallpapers’ with a flat presentation?
How does one cartridge seem effortless and ‘alive’ whilst another seems to strain under its onerous duties?

I’m not sure Dgob whether you have spent much time with the ‘normal’ Glanzs……the MFG-31L, 51L and 71L?…….but it was to them I was referring in their ‘likeness’ to one another.
The G5 was easily distinguishable but I have not heard a G7 to enable comparisons?

As you rightly observe…..there are many views, tastes, preferences and system differences to explain our varying experiences and all each of us can do is find the path that individually suits.
I don’t for instance, find the AT150 ANV particularly impressive in the “bass control” or ‘depth’ region….nor do I find the Technics EPC100Mk3 any competition for the real champs ‘down there’?
But then again…..I find the EPC100Mk3 to be one of the most boring cartridges I have heard.
So concerned was I about this fact after reading the eulogies heaped of the 100Mk4….that I sent my 100Mk3 to Axel Schuerholz to check its functions.
It was returned as “working flawlessly”………
I don’t personally know the differences between the 100Mk3 and 100Mk4…..but a trusted former contributor called Travis Lundy (Tbone) has both models and loves his 100Mk3?

The audio world is a vast territory with a tiny subspecies of lunatics devoted to analogue and an ever smaller sub-culture of these who are obsessed with cartridges/styli/cantilevers.
I genuinely thank you for bringing the elusive Glanz cartridges to our notice and it has resulted in the very fine MFG-51L joining my select collection.

Kind Regards
The AT-155Lc cartridge.....whilst retaining the signature 'sound' of the Signet TK Series.......always sounds a little 'thin' to me.
There is a 'body' to the Signet TK-3, TK-5 and TK-7 which somehow eludes the AT despite the fact that it runs what was my favourite stylus assembly before the Jico SAS.
Even the TK-3Ea, TK-5Ea and TK-7Ea with their own styli sound more relaxed and focused to my ears.
With the 155Lc stylus transplant in any of these Signet models.....the AT-155Lc cartridge is easily outclassed and out-refined.

The AT-7V shares more than a passing resemblance to the AT-155Lc cartridge to my ears.....and whilst I have not attempted the comparison with the 155Lc transplant.....I would be surprised if it matched the composure of the Signets?

I think you will enjoy your forthcoming listening experiences?
Please keep us informed?
Dear Henry, If I knew in advance what kind of comment you would produce about my Glanz collection I would not even dream to borrow my whole collection to you. But the sentiment is easilly explained. I used to like you while your Slavic descent added to the illusion of brotherhood.
Thanks to Dgob I got interested in the Glanz brand and got my first 31L not in Germany but in his motherland GB. Just before the 31 L I managed somehow to get the Astatic 200
the cart of the year and not of the month. By my Glanz 31L there was also the user manual included from which I learned that neither Glanz or Astatic have anything to do with the production of the MF (moving flux)carts. The Germans have the expression 'Aha Erlebnis' for such kind of discoveries. By comparing them I was surprised to hear or, better, not to hear any difference. With some reluctance I posted this finding in Dgob's thread. The reluctance because of implicite questioning of 'his authority' the Mexican. You have no idea how glad AND proud I was when Vetterone HIMSELF agreed with my judgment. This accident or fact then induced me to try to get the other 'top line' Glanz carts. The pride induces people to long for more succes. But it took me two years of 'global searching' to get the 4 which you got without any effort or trouble. We in Europe, you know, have learned the expression 'gratitude' as well what it means. Well different countries different customs as one would say. Now lucky me and probable unlucky Henry Vetterone also clearly stated that the worse of those is the 51L . Your preferd choice (grin). He also mentioned some misterious 61 which I was, alas, never able to find in the
known universe. This one was according to him the best of his collection. I am a kind of member of the so called 'German group' but more in intellectual sense as in 'nationalistic one'. Because of this membership I understand their obssesion with FR-66 tonearm. In order to legitimate their opinion as well to be consistent they use this monster with any cart whatever. I myself would never dream to use the FR-66 for any MM cart whatever. And certainly not with the 71 L which has the highest complience of them all (aka 'all 4'). Why and how this German illusion was exported to Australia is an enigma for
me. But,'in the other side', as the Mexican is used to say (aka write) this enigma may explain the 'deviant' opinions about many carts by our Aussie friend.

Hello Henry,

Your clarification "… it is being compared to the ‘crème de la crème’ of my selected collection." has put everything that you have stated into clear perspective. Just because they have not replaced your harem's #1 cartridge or cartridges, does not mean they are not competitors! Matter of fact, there would be nothing wrong with being #2 if so be judged when comparisons are made at that level!
I also have a few of the Glantz's/Astatic's. Because of the bodies/generators all being the same, it is not quite true to say that a person has a favorite Glantz. It would be more 'correct' for you have a favorite cantilever/stylus combination mounted on the Glantz. Mine happens to be the MF 21TL. Even more so over the Astatic MF100. The TL is a Line Contact styus on a Titanium cantilever where as the MF100 has the softer sounding Shibata stylus. It's all system related or personnel preference so do enjoy your Glantz that you have acquired from our comrade in the Neverlands, I mean Netherlands! (grin) I am also happy to hear that our beloved comrade has "FINALLY" acquired a AT155. He has lusted after one of those for so long that I thought perhaps hell was going to freeze over!
Best regards,
The king is dead , long live the king. Or rather the frog become the princess thanks to my Glanz collection and some Aussie prince. Comparing the last 5 or so contributions with the MM thread caused those associations. If whoever is interested in compliments exchange between the Mexican and Harold the barren one can see the 'why' for himself.
What we need in addition is the Professor, Lew, Flieb (in Don's notation) and more. To provide the substance , cause or occasion I am willing to borrow my Glanz colection to
those mentioned. Then we will be complete again while Dgob's thread can florish with humorous AND informative content.
Vetterone is also welcome but we (aka he and I) need to first agree about one of his plinths ...
