Glanz moving magnet cartridges


I have just acquired an old Glanz G5 moving magnet cartridge. However, I cannot find out any details about this or the Glanz range or, even the company and its history.

Can anyone out there assist me in starting to piece together a full picture?

Any experiences with this or other Glanz's; web links; set up information etc would be warmly received. Surely someone knows something!

Thanks in hope
Dearest Nandric, As Booker T sang, Time is Tight and as I get older, it becomes more and more valuable but it is worth every minute I spend reading your cerebral thoughts.

Are you OK Nandric? I am concerned you may have had a stroke or suffered a severe head injury. Your offer of trading your G5 for one of my SP10 plinths is so crazy generous I am concerned for your health. I could never take advantage of you like that, I would never be able to live with myself. Besides, I have my own G5.
Hi Dover, so glad to hear you are hearing what the '61 can do for your rig. I think mine continued to smooth out on top and deliver more vocal textures and bigger, tighter bass for around 20-25 hours.

I wish everyone could hear this, especially Nandric. Seriously, I wish there could be a way to build this cartridge again. Alas, that seems doubtful.
In an ordinal system like Glanz ranking order the numbers
on the carts express their place in this ranking. Consequently
the top of the Glanz carts is numbered as: 31, 51, 61 and 71.
As far as I know I am the only one who owns the 71. Sorry fellows.
Hi Folks, just a quick update:

I've been testing the Audio Technica AT150 ANV cartridge and been really impressed by it's performance (midrange in particular). Having given it a couple of months devoted listening this impression improved with the matching of it to a suitably light armwand and experimenting for perfect alignment. A lovely cartridge.

However, over the past ten days I have been A/B comparing it against my Glanz G7 and comparing both of these against the same tracks heard on my Marantz CDP. In order of performance (concerning frequency extension, imaging, dynamic range, timbre and tonal accuracy and overall realism) here is the order of their relative performances:

1. G7
2. Marantz CDP
3. AT150 ANV.

As with most explorations, I have really gained from the time spent with the ANV and it has helped confirm just how great a cartridge the Glanz is. You do of course need to match it to a tonearm whose perfect overhang is precisely 50mm from the tonearm/universal headshell collar. Good fortune afforded me the Audio Craft AC3300 LB arm, with which the Glanz G5 and G7 truly sing. Joyous and even more highly recommended!

As always...
Just to highlight two more criteria that I believe distinguished the G7:

1. It's superior ability to resolve complex passages while displaying all instruments and acoustic nuances accurately and
2. It phenomenal detail retrieval abilities (only approached by the Axel transformed Acutex 420STR and Technics 100Mk4), which links to the above.

Therein lay key reasons

As always...