Whats the best $1500 tonearm for a Teres

Doesn't have to be new but must mate well with a Benz Micro Ebony L. I know Teres' website point to Moerch as being a top tier. Origin Live is also listed, But what other arms are Teres owners using or have used in this price range.

One more question. Does the Benz cart mate well with Teres TT?

FWIW I know this TT is worthy of more but my budget is already stretched. Thanks.
You can try a 2. Hand Graham 2.0 series, they are an excellent match with Benz cartridges (and you have all adjustments).
A cartridge is an independent Design, there is no interaction with a Turntable, more to a tonearm (vibration, weight, length etc.)
But anyway, those Benz cartridges are all very easy to go, don't worry.
Get one of the new Ortofon 9 or 12 inch arms. They are excellent period and for the money almost unbeatable.
As Syntax said, mating between cartridge and table is not a significant concern. Neither is mating between tonearm and table, at least not with a table like yours (able to fit nearly any tonearm, no suspension to be thrown out of balance).

I don't have enough experience with your Micro Ebony L to offer suggestions, but I also agree with Syntax that the Benz's I have heard all behaved themselves no matter what arm they were on. Not all cartridges are so forgiving, so you're lucky in this respect.

An arm you feel comfortable setting up and adjusting will probably end up being better adjusted than one you find difficult to understand or intimidating. Study the pictures. Find the manuals online and read about how the arm works. Try to imagine yourself setting it up and working with it every day. This will help you make a decision that works for you.
Thanks for the informative answers
FWIW, my question was spawned from my experience with an upgrade from an MMF-7 to a Scoutmaster. I had a Goldring Elite cart which had performed very good on the 7. However when I put it on the SM, I was very disappointed. My upgrade was not an upgrade. Though it had a lot more weight and authority, the tonal qualities were quite bad. I finally came to the conclusion that there was an incompatibility. Changing to a Dyna 20xl made a big difference. The Benz is much better still. But I never knew whether it was an arm or table incompatibility
Dear Artemus_5: As Doug point out ( he is an owner ) you don't have any problem with almost any tonearm to mate with your Teres.

I'm not a " fanatic " of unipivots but the Moerch is a good design that give you the opportunity to try different cartridges due that you can choose different Morch arm wands, of course that if you don't think to change your cartridge in the short time then that Moerch " future " could be not so important.

Doug point out too something like to choose a " user friendly " tonearm and I have to add especialy on cartridge set-up, from this point of view this alternative seems very good for you:

Regards and enjoy the music,