I don't think I am anywhere near breakin with barely 10 hrs playtime. The Bassline uses pretty decent gauge copper wire. There is greater clarity in the midrange, bass is tighter and the upper frequencies a wee bit cleaner. I also swapped the fuses in the RELs, the amps and the phono stage with the SR 20s. On current reckoning a pretty good modest investment, definitely recommended. I would add that the original REL cable is pretty ordinary and any half decent copper gauge cable will result in some improvement.
I don't think I am anywhere near breakin with barely 10 hrs playtime. The Bassline uses pretty decent gauge copper wire. There is greater clarity in the midrange, bass is tighter and the upper frequencies a wee bit cleaner. I also swapped the fuses in the RELs, the amps and the phono stage with the SR 20s. On current reckoning a pretty good modest investment, definitely recommended. I would add that the original REL cable is pretty ordinary and any half decent copper gauge cable will result in some improvement.