Running an External Phono with a Hovland HP-100

Since the Hovland HP-100 already has a MC Phono built-in, is it possible to add an external phono, maybe one of the better Audio Research models?

I'd like to do a valid compare, say the internal Hovland v.s. the new Audio Research Reference Phono; is this possible?
I wouldn't characterize the Hovland HP-100 as warm, but certainly it is musical and detailed to beat the band, at least with the cartridge I use which is a Transfiguration Orpheus LO in a new Tri-Planar Arm and set up with a Wally Tractor. I can't imagine wanting more detail or a cooler sound, but of course, I haven't put a Walker Phono Pre or a Manley in the chain, so maybe I would change my opinion if I did and had more loading capabilities. BTW, the Hovland HP-200 is a solid state phono section, not tube. It is a different animal altogether. Before Hovland went out, I had some conversation with them about swapping out the tube section in mine for the solid state, but we never quite got to fruition on that one. The ss has loading options and the tube does not.
Did not know that the phono in the 200 is SS. I still want to compare the internal phono and a couple of externals including the AR Ref 2. Hope to do that sometime after attending the RMAF this Oct.
As happy as I am with the Hovland, I agree, I'd like to hear one of the top contenders. I assume you understand that the phono stage runs thru the line stage so that to a certain extent, the phono stage will always be limited by the quality of the line stage.
Yes; interesting that you mention that. I actually asked Alex that exact question just the other day. I use horn speakers so I had the line stage gain reduction done on my HP-100 (down to 6 db). Manufactures always claim that gain reductions do-no-harm but I thought that it took away just a very, very, small amount of the 100's magic. Anyway, he did tell me that the phono ultimately passes through the line stage.
I have used the HP-100 with a wide range of step-up transformers and active units. In my opinion the sound varies just as much with change of step-up device as with a different phonostage. I bought the MM-section for greater flexibility with an outboard step-up.