An easier way to set VTF/VTA/SRA? Perhaps....

I've occasionally advocated the need (over at Vinyl Asylum) for an additional alignment parameter in order to more easily find the desired tracking force (VTF) and stylus rake angle (SRA) interaction and easily adjust for changes in suspension elasticity. I refer to it as Weighted Cantilever Angle (WCA) which is the angle of the cantilever (from horizontal) where the manufacturer intended the cantilever to be positioned within the cartridge generator. (This would of course require manufacturers to provided the intended WCA for each cartridge.)

To align for WCA, a small angle gauge would be placed on the record surface to determine the cantilever angle as tracking force and tone arm height are adjusted to keep the headshell/cartridge body level. When the combination is found whereby the cartridge body is level and VTF and VTA/SRA provide the recommended WCA, then the optimal vertical cartridge alignment should be very close and only need fine-tuning.

The weighted cantilever angle could be easily checked periodically to see if there have been changes in the suspension.

Do you think this idea has merit? If not, what are the flaws in my thinking?

First things first...

Well, Neil, I have well over 200 hours now on the cartridge so it's settled in nicely. (Much better term, I agree.) It sounds quite good right now but I won't try your installation protocol until the new tone arm arrives.

And regarding the VTF/SRA interaction, I may go ahead and measure the cantilever angle (WCA) of the current VTF and SRA settings and then use it (WCA) when I first install the cartridge on the new tone arm to set VTF and SRA. I'll just play records for a while and get to know the sound. Then, after using your recommended cartridge alignment protocol and things are sounding about the best they'll be, I'll measure the cantilever angle and compare the before and after WCA settings. Just for kicks.

Thanks again to you and D. for the opportunity to learn a thing or two about cartridges and setup.

Tom, I always wondered exactly HOW people (who cared to ;-) actually measured cantilever angle. One dare not risk damage to the cartridge by trying to put an instrument of some kind near the delicate cantilever mechanism while the stylus is resting in a groove - yikes!!

I guess one could take a macro picture using a telephoto lens (to minimize parallax error) and then measure the angle from the photo. But it seems like a lot of effort just to obtain anecdotal (read: useless ;-) information.

Sounds like you'll be ready to go once your new TA arrives. Take all the time necessary for you to feel confident you've zeroed in on the best VTF setting, before going on to establish the vertical SRA point. Do not worry that later, dialing-in the VTF just a little better (like even as much as +/- 0.1 gm) is going to screw up your SRA setting. Why? Because it won't affect it up anywhere near the amount a slightly different record thickness or slightly different cutting angle (as favored by various lathe operators) will. I already stated that SRA can't be an absolute for those reasons -- so don't sweat it. Just get it in the 1.4 degree ballpark and then (hopefully) your new TA has 'on the fly' tonearm height adjustment so you can adjust the SRA slightly for each recording. One of our members, dougdeacon, does that all the time using his Triplanar arm. He even notes the correct arm setting on each record!
There's on-the-fly arm height adjustment so it'll be set it and forget it once things are dialed in, just as I'm doing now. I understand the merits of adjusting for the various record thicknesses to keep SRA near optimum but I guess I'm not serious enough about this to make it a priority. Now if a tone arm manufacturer came up with a way to have preset arm heights available with the click of a handy dial, and still maintain the structural rigidity of the arm assembly, then I might be interested.

I'm going to try to measure cantilever angle just for shits and grins, and I'll be very careful so as not to end up just saying 'shit'. The idea of using a photograph to measure the angle is worthy since I'd have to fabricate some type of gauge otherwise. Digital images are a snap to take and process.

But I should probably just abandon the whole notion of using cantilever angle as an alignment parameter. Obviously it isn't something anyone is using and you've been kindly dissuading me of the idea from the start. '-)

Regarding SRA and the adjustment to meet the cutting angle of a given record. ...
This was widely done in the late 1980ies first among the initial collectors of the audiophile quality early stereo records (DECCA SXL, Mercury SR, RCA LSC, EMI ......).
The difference in a 9-10" tonearm "relative height" ( or resulting SRA...) between the cutting angles of say a modern day Opus3 and a 1959 Mercury or EMI ASD/SAX were 1/2" (12-13 mm).
I am serious - these are not marginals.
The differences are huge.
Widely - if sadly .. - neglected and forgotten by todays audio writers and magazines.

God - as well as the tiny devil - lives in the details.