What VPI junction box do I have?

I have the JMW9 Sig tonearm with Nordost wiring but not sure I have the Valhalla junction box. All it say's is "JMW Memorial Tonearm". Is there a way to distinguish between the regular and the Valhalla? Also, does it make sense to get Nordost phono interconnects? I have the VPI IC's now.

I have opened the junction box on my Signature arm, I can confirm that it is, indeed, wired with Valhalla wire.

I have the same JMW9 Sig arm. I'm not curious enough to look but by all means ........... nix the VPI I/C's. I went with Nordost TYR and they are to die for !!!!
I use the Van den Hul The First Ultimate Screened on mine, works very well.
Whatever you do you have to twist the wires coming out of the top of the arm. I've had this table for years and i just did it. It's like I have whole new arm. Do it and do it now!