Technics SP-10 MKIIA tonearms

What tonearms will fit onto a Technics SP-10 MKIIA with the original Obsidian plinth, other than the EPA-100? Thanks.
An SME 3009 will fit (I have two of those on Obsidian bases, as the SME was popular in professional use, if you could not afford the EPA 100.) I don't see any reason why any 9 inch arm would not work. Longer arms might fit, if they don't have a large mounting base or plate. Anything longer than 10 inches probably won't make it. At least with the original armboard, as it has a metal rim, which takes up real estate.
The EPA 100 is still the best arm you could put on that combo given the price. If you want to use 12 inch arms, OMA make slate plinths all the time for the SP10 that can accommodate any arm.

The EPA -500 was the better arm according to contemporary tests, especially with the "H" arm tube. One was on here recently for under $1K.
Thanks Stanwal. I am told that to use the EPA-500 tonearms, I will need to have an armboard different from the original armboard, which accommodates EPA-100. And there is also the aspect of the "G" tonearm being superior to the "H" version in accommodating moving-coil cartridges.

I am not sure if I will go the EPA-500 route and I am keeping my options open. Does anyone know of any other tonearm as being wonderful fit with the SP-10 MKIIA when using moving-coil cartridges?

Hi Fine,

If you have one of the original Obsidian models, it seems you can answer this for yourself. Find the effective length for any arm you are considering (the EPA-100 is 250mm), then measure that radius from the center of the spindle to see where an arc of that length will cross your armboard, allowing enough distance from the edge for mounting. If it fits within your armboard and there is sufficient clearance underneath for mounting hardware, it should work. As Jonathan said, most any 9" or 10" arm should fit.

Now, not to begin a debate with Stanwal but not everyone believes the EPA-500 arms were a sonic improvement over the EPA-100. I have not heard a comparison so can't offer a personal opinion but will only say that some prefer the 100.

The only reason for a different armboard would be a different size or shape for the mounting hole as the 100 and 500 have the same effective length. See this -

The match of a MC cartridge with any arm begins with the compliance/mass match. The dynamic damping system on the EPA-100 makes it more flexible than most other arms in this match, meaning it can be adjusted for a wider range of cartridges than many other arms.