reversing the cartridge leads will either confirm or eliminate whether it's a cartridge/arm issue or not.
from there you either examine the rest of the signal path or consider the various cartridge and arm issues that have been mentioned.
messing around with arm set-up issues prior to confirming that the channel imbalance is actually in the cartridge is likely to be very frustrating in the long run.
first things first. isolate the problem. don't assume. reversing the cartridge leads and then putting them back should not affect set-up; it quick and simple.
from there you either examine the rest of the signal path or consider the various cartridge and arm issues that have been mentioned.
messing around with arm set-up issues prior to confirming that the channel imbalance is actually in the cartridge is likely to be very frustrating in the long run.
first things first. isolate the problem. don't assume. reversing the cartridge leads and then putting them back should not affect set-up; it quick and simple.