Hi Guys;

Can anyone enlighten me on the differences between these two tonearms. I have both and am thinking about putting the IV on an oracle premier just to match the colour. I was told that the differences are no TOO big.

Please let me know your thoughts.

If you have both then why not mount both and find out. Sorry just couldn't help myself.

Anyway I do have the V and have never heard the IV but the only diff is that the V has the spring VTF dial which gives you dynamic balance and also the damping trough is standard on the V.
The bearings are a little better in the V:

"Many of the component parts of the Series IV are similar, if sometimes less rarefied, to those in the V. For example, bearings of ABEC-3 tolerance are used instead of ABEC-7."

This link has a pretty detailed difference list: