Musical Fidelity X-Can V8 DAC/USB Quality

Would apreciate input from anyone you has experienced use of the Musical Fidelity X-Can V8 in general.
I am interested in:
How you would rate the DAC
How compatable this amp is with the Senn. HD650
General overall performance.
Best Phones to use with the Musical Fidelity X-Can V8

My son has the Senn HD650 headphones. I picked up a used Musical Fidelity X-Can V8 on AG as a present for him. The price was right and base on what reading I came across,I thought it would work well with the Senn HD650. Now that it is in route, I have done some further research and have came across alot of mixed reviews/comments.
So I would like to get the real scoop.Please Be honest, if I made a mistake, I will accept it and go on. I just dont want to pass my mistake (if so) along to my son.

Thank You for your help
To: Jedinite24
I recntly bought the K702's on AG, with about 100 hours on them.
I agree with you that's it's not really a fair comparison comparing this to a much more expensive 2 channel system.
But really Im not, it's just the only only other reference I have.
I bought the V8 and the K702's as a present for my son, which has the HD650's. I am encouraged by the comments you made about the HD650's pairing well with the HD650's.
My son is in a different part of the State. Hopfully we will get together soon, and then have the opportunity to
marry the HD650 and MF V8 together. I used my preamp and CDP as the source material. My son only has a computor as a source. Have you any idea how well the USB/DAc works.
I had to dial in quite a bit of knob to get them to a decent listening level.

Thanks for your input
You’re not the only one who doesn't like the size of the volume knob, I have seen many comments with regard to this.
But one comment I have to say about how they may have came to design it so large.
I remember reading a review on the V3, and the reviewer sited that the small size of the V3 knob made it unnecessarily harder than it had to be to operate.
Hi Brad

I get where you are coming from now. Man you are one cool dad. AKG K702 and a MF X-Can V8 used or new are some nice pieces of audio equipment to me to be given as a gift. I didn't get any opinions on the USB input portion of the X-Can V8. If I get any info I'll be sure to share.
I have both the K702 and the X-Can V8p. The K702 is not everyone's cup of tea. I think you need to know that going in. The X-Can V8 is a fine headphone amp with plenty of power and a pleasant tonal balance. It's also pretty handy to have both the DAC on board and line input and output. All in all, it's a pretty handy piece of gear to have around, since it can actually be used as a pre-amp if necessary. As a building block to a future system, that's pretty cool.

What is it that you don't like about the sound? If you feel like it's missing bass punch, that's just the 702. It's not a super exciting headphone; it excels at neutrality, detail and, after break-in, a very nice smoothness. For comparison, my AKG K240 and Audio-Technica ATH-W1000 are both more exciting sounding. The W1000, in particular, is way more forward, but not as smooth or open. The K240 is slightly punchier in the mid-bass but less resolving.
To: eujin
Thank you for taking the time in forwarding all the info.
I am hoping that the HD650's provide a little better sonics
and i am hoping that the k702's will inprove with more breakin
