Denon DP-47F arm return problem? Help needed

I bought a used Denon DP-47F a full automatic, micro-processor controlled, direct drive turntable yesterday.

The arm does not return to the rest after playing a side and the repeat function switch does not work. They seem related as they take place at the end of an LP. It seems to be a voltage adjustment, but I can't figure it out in the service manual.

Can anyone help me with this problem. It would be nice if I can adjust it myself, but I would like a repair service recommendation too.

Service manual manual is available on Vinyl Engine:

Thank everyone so much, as this is a really nice TT.
I've had, and still have the 47F. The problem you described most likely is a problem with the micro processor board, not the mechanical parts. I doubt it is a voltage adjustment. If you find a replacement from a parts machine that would be an inexpensive fix. Otherwise, you should contact the Denon service center in New Jersey. They may have the part. I've purchased two of my 47's directly from them thru a contact there a few years ago. The 47 is a great machine. I've given them to my kids to get them interested in vinyl. Since the machine is totaly automatic, ruined cartridges are a thing of the past.
I've got a DP-47F also. I'm currently considering replacing it. It functions fine but it's starting to look a little long in the tooth. I wonder how far up the food chain I would need to go to hear significant improvement over the DD Denon?
My comparison between the Denon and Technics direct drive TT are as follows:

Technics has amazing pace, rhytm, and clarity. Nothing beats its timing and quickness. like a CD.
Denon is warm, smooth, musical, easy to listen to, but not the final word in detail. If you like it smooth and warm a Linn or Thorens would be an upgrade. Linn will have better detail.