Yes, wipe the labels, too. But check first to see how much the bleach may cause the ink to bleed or fade so you can adjust you method. You may find that "blotting" will be best on the labels. Don't forget to do the jackets similarly, inside and out.
Plain tap water is okay for the rinse at this step. Distilled water is better, but no need to go laboratory grade here. Reserve that for cleaning with Prelude, Disc Doctor or AIVS and a vacuum record cleaner.
Also, don't worry about "immediately" cleaning - focus on killing the mold on all your LPs as quickly as possible, then cleaning.
Plain tap water is okay for the rinse at this step. Distilled water is better, but no need to go laboratory grade here. Reserve that for cleaning with Prelude, Disc Doctor or AIVS and a vacuum record cleaner.
Also, don't worry about "immediately" cleaning - focus on killing the mold on all your LPs as quickly as possible, then cleaning.