low output mc: noise free listening possible?

I'm considering buying a low output mc cartidge of 0.2 millivolt. This faint signal needs a high gain of 60 dB or even more.

Which phono-amplifiers are capable of delivering a noise free signal. Or do I have to accept a certain level of phono-noise?
For an output that low, I would go solid state and look for a gain structure around 65dB (or more).

That's not to say a tubed phono stage can't work but you'll need to be careful with your choice.

Regarding your cartridge, if you take any 10 solid state phono stages there's a good chance they will be quieter than their 10 tubed counterparts.

I agree with the above but the difference between a well designed tube and SS unit will only be a bit of tube hiss. It will be at a level that you have to get your ear pretty close to the speaker to hear so I see it as a non-issue.
It depends. The preamp gain, speaker and amplifier sensitivity all come into play. I have a 0.24mV cartridge playing through a 66 db gain SS phono stage, which used to be enough. Then I sold my ARC preamp and BAT amp and bought an VAC integrated amp.....now, it's not enough gain.
Same catridge, same phono stage and speakers, different results. When considering noise free listening, it's not just the cartridge and phono stage, but the entire system that comes into play.

The Aqvox is one that you should have on your list. Balanced inputs and outputs contribute to a very low noise presentation with fully adjustable gain between 60-75 db for low output MC.

It's dead quiet with my Denon 103R.
It is a myth that balanced outperforms SE in a home environment. While I have no doubt you have very low noise, you can do just as well with a well designed single ended unit.