Walker listening experience wanted

Hi Folks:

This turntable is very elusive for obvious reasons. I heard it once a few years ago at the Stereophile show in NYC. I am Fairfield County, CT based and would greatly appreciate the opportunity to listen to one in a home setting. I can't afford one but if someone would grant me the favor I am capable of traveling a good distance to do so. Thank you for reading.

CT Audio Society
I think you'll find the trip worthwhile, Joe's system is well set up and sounds VERY good!
I am also located outside Phila with a ton of Walker equipment – Turntable with latest mods, Phono pre-amp, Velicitors, Silent Source etc. You are welcome to contact me. Additionally, Walker is located in the area (about 30 minutes from me). He is usually very open to demonstrating his system

I did a review of the Walker for 6Moons.com



i think you struck gold with those 2 guys. please let us all know how it goes.
