That last micro cartridge adjustment

Anyone else get real frustrated with that last final adjustment needed to get your cartridge spot on? I'm afraid to touch anything once I get it real close because I make it worse by over correcting. I'm using the Mint LP with VPI TT and arm. Will using washers between the headshell and the cartridge mounting screws help with that final adjustment needed? Any other ideas? Thanks in advance.
Man, I'm with you on that. the washers are a great idea. I just set up a new cartridge and that's is the biggest hassle in the whole process.

I just used my VPI jig this time, but I ordered a new mint LP tractor for it finally. I am looking forward to it and loathing it's arrival at the same time.
Make sure you have really great lighting. That last micro adjustment is well worth it. Be patient. You can do it!
my new cartridge is a Grado, and the stylus is so far under the cartridge body, and there is so little space between the record surface and the cartridge, how do I see to get the lines right?

Anyone used a MintLP or WallyTractor with a Grado cartridge (wood bodied)??/