Nrenter, you got it exactly right. That is why I am careful to stress 'properly set up' and 'low impedance' as those things are critical to getting the performance out of cables in general and balanced lines in particular.
Preamps with RCAs tend to have high output impedances which make them susceptible to differences in cable construction.
Most of the high end audio does not recognize this simple fact, because most manufacturers are doing balanced because it is something trendy, rather than researching exactly what the benefits are are and in particular **how to win those benefits**.
So as a result we have a lot of variable results that make the whole thing confusing.
In the case of LOMC, since the cartridges are an inherently balanced low impedance source, and should be loaded by a low resistance for best results, balanced is a sort of no-brainer. A great deal depends on the input of the phono section; if not differential forget it, and a great deal depends on the tone arm wiring- if the ground is independent of the signal wiring (which in most arms it is, the exception being straight-tracking air-bearing arms), then there are no worries.
Preamps with RCAs tend to have high output impedances which make them susceptible to differences in cable construction.
Most of the high end audio does not recognize this simple fact, because most manufacturers are doing balanced because it is something trendy, rather than researching exactly what the benefits are are and in particular **how to win those benefits**.
So as a result we have a lot of variable results that make the whole thing confusing.
In the case of LOMC, since the cartridges are an inherently balanced low impedance source, and should be loaded by a low resistance for best results, balanced is a sort of no-brainer. A great deal depends on the input of the phono section; if not differential forget it, and a great deal depends on the tone arm wiring- if the ground is independent of the signal wiring (which in most arms it is, the exception being straight-tracking air-bearing arms), then there are no worries.