The original topic was, "Upgrade from TW Acustic Raven AC-3 to what?"
That is the proverbial can of worms, isn't it? We can sit here ad infinitum, and discuss the merits of this or that implementation, but at the end of the day the user wants to improve upon the turntable that he currently owns. That turntable happens to be a very well-respected one, so his choice is likely to be another that is built with equal passion, but its builder will be acting with a different vision of how it should sound. The bottomline is that the implementation of the vision should be in keeping with the buyer's expectations. He wants a different sound that more closely meets what he feels is right for his particular system.
It isn't about technical merits at this point. Rather, it is more about choices that meet personal criteria because he already has a top-flight turntable.
That is the proverbial can of worms, isn't it? We can sit here ad infinitum, and discuss the merits of this or that implementation, but at the end of the day the user wants to improve upon the turntable that he currently owns. That turntable happens to be a very well-respected one, so his choice is likely to be another that is built with equal passion, but its builder will be acting with a different vision of how it should sound. The bottomline is that the implementation of the vision should be in keeping with the buyer's expectations. He wants a different sound that more closely meets what he feels is right for his particular system.
It isn't about technical merits at this point. Rather, it is more about choices that meet personal criteria because he already has a top-flight turntable.