Upgrade from TW Acustic Raven AC-3 to what?

I have had the TW turntable (with 10" Da Vinci Grandezza arm and Grandezza cartridge) for two years. I have been happy with this TT and can live with it for a long time although i wish it wasn't as dark sounding, that the soundstage could be more spacious and the bass tighter. The upgrade bug in me is wondering for 50K ore thereabout, is there a TT that is superlative over the TW? One that would end my upgrading itch for the next 10 years?

To get the wall to wall imaging I would suggest as follows: listen to a CD and compare the Vinyl on your TT. Then go back and forth to remember placement positioning etc. Then adjust Anti Skate/Azimuth etc. until the 2 coincide. I have learned to do Anti Skate by ear and once it locks in place the imaging is scary.

As for the Mid Bass bloat, that sounds like a resonance problem. It will also smear the highs and darken the sound. You need to sort out where the resonance is coming from. No matter how good a turntable if you don't have it isolated and maybe have it located in a room node etc you will not get near 50% of what the TT / Front end is capable of. Again I suggest you go back & forth between a well recorded CD/SACD and compare with LP for bass output etc and determine if it is really the turntable or the setup or the tonearm/cartridge or just something elsewhere in your chain. I have listened to some friends very good Analogue front ends where they were lacking one thing or another. They would never believe me until I put in a CD of the same and it was that apparent. Then we would redo the tonearm setup and got most of the way there. What I couldn't do is compensate for the Phono stage which didn't have enough gain. By the way the phono stage can be a big part of the darkness as well (although, I do agree the Raven AC table is slightly warm in comparison to the Black Night - from which I get a bit more detail, and more definition (and hear more problems in my setup - some cartridges just don't cut it anymore). I have had phono stage mismatches with cartridges which would have you condemn a cartridge that in a different system would be excellent. Same for Speaker/Amp combinations. Hope this helps as a turntable upgrade doesn't sound like the solution.
Hi Alectiong, I just located it. You have some really exceptional gear, I actually use to own the same speakers and those Karan's are suppose to be really nice. I had mine hooked up to various components, VTL 750's, ARC 600's etc.

Those Elrod power cords are getting some very positive postings from others, David has always made great product. I guess if I was in your situation I would re-evaluate my set-up asking myself regarding what you had mentioned prior and when did this happen, as a result to adding what? the TW etc. Possibly stepping back, maybe there is a mismatch somewhere with in the chain, it's the joys of this hobby and getting it all to work, getting the magic!

Others above have allot more experience with the TW product line than myself, I'm a new-bee owner but that being said I did allot of research prior along with listening to allot of other set-ups with a variety of tables, some costing crazy money etc. and in the end decided to make the TW purchase. TW was my preference after hearing all of these different set-ups and never heard what you have described above with any of the TW's set-ups other wise I would have been looking elsewhere. What I found was the arm and cart to make a big difference sonically as I'm sure you already know along with everything else in the chain, phono cable, phono and on.

Just take your time and try not to get frustrated you have a great table, possibly try to connect with some other TW owners and hear their set-ups. Do some traveling if need be, with the money you have invested it would only be a small fraction and you owe it to your self and system.
Downunder, it is very funny. I just described what happend to a friend of mine and people owning a Raven like you feel not comfortable with the fact that this happens at the moment - at least in France. Maybe also with people trying to sell other modern TTs, I don´t know. BTW I do know Thomas very well and have a very good relation to him.

Hope you feel comfortable now!?

Yes thanks for asking, nice to know you care - I felt comfortable before & now after your comments.

I think as you would clearly know, having more than one nice turntable gives you a perspective that one can not do everything.

BTW - how many raven's were offered at very good prices :-)
Downunder, perfect!

when it comes to evaluating what might be the right TT for one`s own system - as Alectioning is doing - it is not only a question of technology (drives: DD, idler-drive, thread etc.; motor units, experience of the developer etc.), of quality (built material, oil of bearing etc.), of decoupeling measurements, of surrounding installations (tonearm, cartridge, cable, phono pre etc.) but also of VALUE !

What do I mean? When selling your TT you might be confronted with a used market which doesn´t gives you the value back your TT deserves. In the case of very high rated TTs I made the experience you can sell those instruments to a very small niche of people - but you can!

In the case of TTs between 8000 and 14000 Dollars (crazy world - it is a lot of money) and if the buyer doesn`t agree on the value of your TT (because there are to many in the market or the manufacturer sells new units with large discount)it might become difficult selling your high rated machine.

If I am buying another TT I will look on the VALUE of the TT much more as I used to do. This would be my advise from my recent experiences.