I personally felt the same way, when I read this info regarding the shelf life of anew cartridge. That is why I always tried to find audio dealers that sold alot of cartridges, didn't overorder, and was able to buy as new and fresh a cartridge as possible. Because for me, its alot of money to spen on cartridges. Only to have to worry about shelf life. But being in the business, and from a repair/technician point of view, I myself knew that it does make sense. So, I tried to buy as new as possible, and it gave me something to be wary of when buying used cartridges, or old new cartridges. But this was well known by those with the technical know in business back in the day. Im only telling you what was known, and stated by dealers, who has constant conversations with dealers, and me as with the designer, Les Watts from Shure. Ray
I personally felt the same way, when I read this info regarding the shelf life of anew cartridge. That is why I always tried to find audio dealers that sold alot of cartridges, didn't overorder, and was able to buy as new and fresh a cartridge as possible. Because for me, its alot of money to spen on cartridges. Only to have to worry about shelf life. But being in the business, and from a repair/technician point of view, I myself knew that it does make sense. So, I tried to buy as new as possible, and it gave me something to be wary of when buying used cartridges, or old new cartridges. But this was well known by those with the technical know in business back in the day. Im only telling you what was known, and stated by dealers, who has constant conversations with dealers, and me as with the designer, Les Watts from Shure. Ray