NOS cartridges

I've seen several older carts for sale both used and NOS. I always thought there were issues with the elastomers and other materials in an older cart even though it may have never been used, making an investment in one a chancy proposition. Is this a valid concern?
I personally felt the same way, when I read this info regarding the shelf life of anew cartridge. That is why I always tried to find audio dealers that sold alot of cartridges, didn't overorder, and was able to buy as new and fresh a cartridge as possible. Because for me, its alot of money to spen on cartridges. Only to have to worry about shelf life. But being in the business, and from a repair/technician point of view, I myself knew that it does make sense. So, I tried to buy as new as possible, and it gave me something to be wary of when buying used cartridges, or old new cartridges. But this was well known by those with the technical know in business back in the day. Im only telling you what was known, and stated by dealers, who has constant conversations with dealers, and me as with the designer, Les Watts from Shure. Ray
Ray, Obviously, it's a case by case phenomenon and past history of storage conditions must be an important determinant of cartridge longevity, but there is enough collective experience on this thread alone to put the kibosh on your thesis that cartridges only last 18 months from manufacture, granted that you are only repeating what you learned from two reputable sources. In my 35 years of playing vinyl, I never ever noticed any sort of deterioration in a cartridge after such a short time. In fact, since I don't get that many hours per week to listen, many of my cartridges (purchased new from dealers, not NOS) were still getting better at the 18-month mark. Also, I used to haunt audio salons in the good old days; I never heard any dealer make such a blanket claim re shelf life of cartridges. (By the way, why is Laura Dearborn qualified to expound on this subject, other than the fact that she wrote the book you cite?)
Rayr2, If you think the Shures were the best cartridges ever available there is not much more to say. I have been in audio since 1962 myself. Since my PhD is in the History of Science I have some slight acquaintance with it, especially with regard to scientific argumentation. Announcing that something is "Science" is not a good example of it. Nor is quoting statements by others without evidence. This is a forum designed to let members express their views; apparently you are uncomfortable that some of us have ones that differ from yours. That is your problem, not mine. No one has a gun to your head forcing you to buy old cartridges. All I can say is that I am currently considering buying a NOS Ortofon on ebay for my own use. As to which of us knows more about audio I invite anyone in doubt to look at our past posts on this forum.
Stan, I could care less whether you agree with what I said or not. You sound like a hostile gentelman. I dont expect everyone to agree with me. Or with what I have heard. I hope you dont get a lemon on that Ortofon, because several already have, if its the M20FL. Also, another thing, I didn't stste Shure was the best cartridge ever made. Again, you take me out of context. Im sorry if you feel you salon is threatened by your lack of knowledge. But thats on you, insecurities are something that with work, you may be able to get over. I dont think any particular cartridge is the best.

As to LewM, I dont think Laura Dearborn has the qualification to make any statements. Other than she did alot of research and interviews. The book is something compiled by her, and is a source of experience, wisdom, knowledge, experimentation, theory and more all by experts in the field. The designers that make all of this gear, cartridges, turntables, speakers, amps, their designs, why they chose them, some great tables vary so greatly in their design, and theory. Its the people in the book, that have the valid information, and opinions and facts that I believe, and are qualified to make such statements. All you could do, is get your hands on a copy, browse through it, and make your own decisions. Im not forcing anything. It seems that you forget when you point the finger, 4 are pointing back at ya. Really, none of this info is my own, but that of experts in this field for many years. And I realize that no single statement hold 100 percent true in all cases. Thus, some cartridges last far longer than others, of the same model even. I cant explain this, but hope your on that lucky end of the stick. Im not here to argue, but to pass on useful info, that came from experts. Its just another way of looking at things, than the way you guys all look at the same thing, all the same way, and attack like ravens anyone that doesnt agree with you, or may have another way of looking at things. I would only accept, or post info that I got from very reliable sources. And that is all I did. Sorry if that offend you Stan. But as you say, I can do this, and Science was just the first word that popped in my mind, I maybe could have used one better. But you get the idea. Read one, look for books and info like I have found. Ray
A stylus last about 2000-3000 hours according to the makers.That said,if parts other than moving parts age too,why do they design and supply replacement styli?To rip us off?If you take 2500 hours and divide it by 18 months,it would take at least 4.5 hours of listening everyday to wear it out.Is it their intention to rip us off,(I doubt it)or do they still not know you shouldn't put a new stylus in your over 18 month old cartridge?Just curious.♫