Well Tempered Amadeus VS WT reference

Anyone side by side comparies Well Tempered Amadeus and Well Tempered Reference ?What is the different?thanks.
Hi Schipo,you mean if i have WT reference,don't need to change to WT amadeus?thanks
As great as I thought the reference to be, the amadeus is in a different league entirely, and it costs less! The amadeus has a way of making music that the reference can't approach.
So yes, you need to change. If you could hear them side by side you would instantly realize what I'm trying to describe.
Chashas and Schipo, that is as extremely interesting as it is surprising. Would you say the Amadeus does everything at least as good as the Reference (e.g. bass, soundstage) or are there areas where you would say there is a trade-off against the increased musicality (if I may call it like that) that you noticed. What would be the ideal sort of cartridge to obtain the full advantage of the Amadeus? (presently, I use a Transfiguration Spirit III in the WT Reference).
I recently heard the Amadeus, and was very impressed. The cartridge was the EMT TSD-15. It really seems to be a bargain at it's price point. I am saving my pennies to get one, and have it as a second TT. That's not to say it won't be as good or better than my current TT/arm combo, which retails for more than double. My only caveat is you do have to drop the tonearm manually. There seems to be a resistance that makes it easy. I did not find it to be awkward, and it was the very first time I had ever done it. Another great thing is if you golf, you always have an extra golf ball.