hanss turntables

I'm wondering if anyone has heard the Hanss turntable, notably the T-60. I saw and heard this table in Denver and it seemed to do quite a lot for it's asking price.
It was tough to tell how good it was in the context of the room however.
I'd like to be able to compare it to a quality reference table.
I didn't hear it with same cartridge/arm/associated equipment (a near impossibility)but the dealer and I were mightly impressed. The dealer also thought it was ultra close to the Monaco table from Gran Prix (which I've heard too) and I would agree that it seemed remarkably close for the money. Really it is unbelievably cheap for the performance. Nice motor controll too.

Looking forward to what others might say...
I have not heard the T-60. I have extensively heard the flagship model above the T-60. I am not certain of the model number. The flagship is excellent. A monster table in size and weight built from the floor up with its own stand, triple split magnetically rotated platter. I don't know where you live, but Stereo Unlimited in San Diego is a dealer and has all the tables. If interested, call them and ask for Bruce. I agree, while I have not heard the T-60, it is a wonderful design and if it is 50% as good as the flagship, its low retail is just crazy.
The flagship is called T-90 and will in Europe set you back $52,000 plus tax...

I am considering the T-20 and am pondering which arm would be suited, maybe a Mørch DP-6?