Ortofon MC A90 cartridge

I have had this cartridge for just over a month now and WOW.

The A90 IMO is as pure a cartridge that I have ever heard.

If you like your system you will absolutely luv this cartridge.

Thanks Mike L for giving me the tip - revealing and musical- absolutely. ruthless - never

Anyone else got one?

OK, just mounted the 2nd Ortofon MC A90 cartridge (ser# 079) on the Dobbins Technics SP-10 Mk3 with Reed 'L' arm playing thru the Allnic H3000. previously i had briefly mounted my first A90 (ser# 008) so it's not the first time on the Technics. right out of the box it's pretty nice. i'm listening to 'For Duke', which can be a bit 'bright' and forward when things are not right. it's behaving and the cymbles are 'right', the Trumpet 'blat' is alive but not edgy. more info and energy than from the Garrard/Triplaner on first impressions, with a larger soundstage. 12" arm?

a bit closed in but i'm excited to finally, after 2 years, have three tt's set-up with similar level cartridges at the same time. i've been listening to many hours of vinyl recently on the Rockport and Garrard.....so my reference is pretty good. the Technics/Reed is really a lively combination. the music leaps from the grooves.

more later.
"the Technics/Reed is really a lively combination. the music leaps from the grooves "

Thanks Mike for your promise on following up the test .
i will try the reed arm on my SP10 mk2 soon.

Mike&Ldvale, There are 3 Reed 'series': Reed L, Reed L 2A
and Reed L 2P. I owned Reed L but bought also Reed L 2 A (12"). A perfect combo with my Phase Tech P-3G. BTW one very underrated cart. Despite the producer description I think that they have different eff. mass. I.e. my Reed L was 17 gr.; the Reed 2A is 29 gr.
Are you using 'the' Reed L or some of the other 'versions'?

Dear Nandric.
I use the Reed with ZYX airy3 . this combo sound great .
According to this website the Reed 2A (12") has an effective mass of 16 gr.