Ortofon MC A90 cartridge

I have had this cartridge for just over a month now and WOW.

The A90 IMO is as pure a cartridge that I have ever heard.

If you like your system you will absolutely luv this cartridge.

Thanks Mike L for giving me the tip - revealing and musical- absolutely. ruthless - never

Anyone else got one?


Great ears hear alike. Great minds think alike too. You are spot-on with your opinion of the Millenium mat.

I was using the Millenium mat until about 9 months ago. I removed the mat and heard the same type of observations you noted.

The mat obscures microdynamics and slows the speed and tempo.

The soundstage is much clearer and larger without the mat. One can "hear into" the recording better without the mat. The mat flattens the soundstage height/depth.

Just about everything improves with the copper top only compared to the Mellenium.

By the way, I had tried different mats and trying the copper top only about 1.5 year ago when I had my Triplanar. The triplanar was not able to detect the differences between the mats like the Phantom 2 does.

I don't use a mat any longer. Let me know if you come up with something better than the copper top only.

Mine just arrived. Have not installed it yet. I have Micro Seiki RX-1500 with SME3009R.
Hi Diva, great system - plenty of luvely tubes!!

let us know how it sounds on the might Micro. Should sound sweet as.

BTW, what phono stage do you have - tube research?

Downunder: Thanks. You too have good a nice one, especially those Sonus Fabers look like a stunning Italian beauty. I guess you are located downunder? Which city?

My phonstage is a modest musical fidelity but I am building my own based on the same principle that was used my X-2 pre-amp (see the review of that preamp in product review section, if you curious).

Has anyone compared the A-90 with the ZYX Universe?

Yes the Strads are rather like a sexy Italian female, yet the Strads don't age :-)

I live in Sydney and it is very hot for this time of year at the moment.

I hope the new phono stage works out awesome, as the A90 will appreciate any improvements in the chain.