Which one do I buy Pre Ject Debut III or Rega P1??

I am looking to purchase a turntable and I am not sure which one is better sounding? I don't have a local dealer and I plan on listening ti vinyl on occasion. I have narrowed it down to Pro Ject Debute III or Rega P1 or Music Fidelity 2.2? I am only considering these turntables, so please help me decide between these three.

They are all of similar and, in my opinion, marginal quality.
I don't think it makes any difference from a performance standpoint. Just buy the one the looks best to you. Better yet, don't buy any of them and buy a superior used table for the same money. Good luck.

I agree with Wendell, however the Rega has the better arm. If you could swing the few extra dollars, buy the Rega P2.